So I am listening to this story all the way to the gym, great story…then I get in the pool and the first song on my headphones is by Belle and Sebastian called like Dylan on the movies which has lyrics “… If they follow you

Don't look back

Like Dylan in the movies

On your own

If they follow you

It's not your money that they're after boy it's you”

I love when that happens!!!

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Hadn’t read this one. I think this story probably spawned an immense amount of work that followed. Carswell, with his witchcraft and alchemy does seem to be able to conjure evil entities and direct them at his enemies and its only through much clever manoeuvring by Dunning that he manages to avoid a horrible death. It’s a good recipe for a story and reminds me of many works.

Excellent narration as always and Thankyou.

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